Love the colour green - Oct 07, 2008

I am looking out my window as I write this article. It is one of those perfect Spring days when everything in your garden shines. The Chinese Elms and Manchurian Pears have just come into leaf . The thing that I missed most during the drought was the colour green. Now I see green everywhere. 

I walked my dog up the street this morning and as I looked into peoples gardens it was like watching an orchestra only it wasn't the instruments but the plants that were putting on the show. Wisterias are flowering on the fences and the perfume from these hardy climbers wafts through the air. Flowering Peaches are doing solo performances on front lawns. I know these trees have never been pruned but they still get covered in so many flowers.

Tucked in amongst the trees I see Azaleas covered in flowers. It's the original varieties like Magnifica, Alba Magna, Spendens and Exquisite which are doing best. These shrubs are not as fashionable any more because the leaves get attacked by Lace Bug and the flowers get Petal Blight but despite all these problems, they still put on a fantastic display of spring flowers.

I notice the Day Lilies are starting to flower in my garden.These hardy perennials put on a spectacular show of bright daffodil yellow flowers from now to Christmas then they go on holidays before returning in Autumn to put on another show.

I said earlier that my Manchurian Pears have come into leaf. One variety called Pyrus Aristocrat has only just come into flower now. This is my favourite deciduous tree and it gets covered in double white Spring blossom that seems to fill the sky.

Tim Pickles is a horticulturist and director of Tim's Garden Centre 2 Queen St Campbelltown 46267022.