Tims Gardening Column
Its Time to Repot! - Aug 17, 2010
I have been growing a rosemary plant in a pot for at least 5 years now just outside my back door. In the first couple of years the plant grew vigorously and I had an endless supply of fresh home grown rosemary to use in my cooking. Last summer I noticed the plant began to get die back and I had to water it much more often or the leave...
Get your dog a milk crate? - Aug 4, 2010
Your dog may need a milk crate to sit on this summer if you don’t spray your lawn for bindii now. The perfect growing conditions have encouraged broadleaf winter weeds like clover and bindii to thrive. Clover is a big problem in lawns because the white flowers attract bees by the thousands in spring and when you tread on the bees they sting y...
Make a weeping maple happy - Jul 22, 2010
A few years ago I saw a Japanese Weeping Maple in a nursery for $3,500. It would have been at least 25 years old with a big thick trunk and it had the most amazing fern like weeping foliage. It actually looked like a giant bonsai plant and I fell in love with it. I went back a month later and it had been sold. Japanese Weeping Maples ...
Put on a Coat and Save - Jul 8, 2010
Dear Gardening friends I know it is freezing now but could I temp you to go out in the garden if the plants were half price? Smart gardeners have discovered that strawberry plants can be bought for just $1.50 in winter but the price goes up to $3.99 in spring. That's because nurseries can sell strawberry plants bare rooted at ...
Big fruit on small trees - Jun 18, 2010
There is a backyard revolution going on that is seeing homeowners growing fruit trees again. 50 years ago almost every house had a lemon tree down the back near the toilet. Today the toilets are inside and the backyards are smaller but nurseries have responded by producing dwarf sized fruit trees that still provide normal sized fruit.