Tims Articles
Join a community garden - Jun 30, 2011
My wife often takes my boys down to the community garden in Camden. This garden was set up about 12 months ago on the town farm property that was bequeathed to Camden Council by Miss Llewella Davies. The farm is in 40 Exeter st, just below Camden Primary School.Keen gardeners can rent a raised garden bed for an annual fee and grow their...
Global warming sceptic - Jun 9, 2011
Trees are one of the solutions to combat global warming so I get excited when ever I see a tree that is suitable for small gardens. A couple of weeks ago I was driving down a street in Balgowlah that had these amazing small trees planted on the nature strip. The trees were about 5 metres high and they were covered in white bottle brus...
Want real fresh air? - Jun 6, 2011
Today when people want to freshen up the air in their houses they spray air fresheners. These are no more than manufactured perfumes and they are making the air in your house more toxic rather than fresh.There is a machine that was made by nature to remove the toxins from the air and these whisper quiet machines are called plants....
Get your dog a milk crate - Jun 2, 2011
Your dog may need a milk crate to sit on this summer if you don't spray your lawn for bindii now. The perfect growing conditions have encouraged broadleaf winter weeds like clover and bindii to thrive. Clover is a big problem in lawns because the white flowers attract bees by the thousands in spring and when you tread on the bees they sting y...
How many do you do? - Jun 2, 2011
My son ate 12 mandarins on Sunday one after the other. He once ate 14 bananas, if he did that that today I would have to mortgage the house. The mandarins were free because we have a mandarin tree in our backyard. Mandarins are one of the easiest fruit trees to grow. They look good in the garden because they have glossy green ...