Amazing new shrub called “Purple Sun” - Aug 27, 2020
It flowers for 6 months!!!!!
Dear gardening friends.
It's not even spring, but our nursery is looking like spring. We've got so many exciting new plants and old favourites.
This amazing new African Daisy called "Purple Sun" is back in stock.
We sold out last week before the weekend.
This compact little shrub will add colour to your garden all spring and autumn.
The orange and purple flowers are hot hot hot!!!! It flowers like this all spring, and then again through autumn. It only grows 30cms high by 60cms wide.
These new Osteospermums don't self seed, and escape into the bush.
They are so easy to grow, in pots or gardens.
We have all your favourite colours, including this newby called "Purple Sun".
We have 50 plants available, they cost $16.99.
I was driving through Gilead last week and spotted this amazing purple and lime green succulent, called Aeonium arboreum.
This is one of the easiest plants to grow.
It's thriving in this letterbox garden.
Look at it.
It's amazing.
Commonly called Irish Rose. It's not a rose of course. This tough colourful shrub thrives in full sun. It gets a beautiful spike of yellow flowers in spring.
This beauty is about to flower.
We often get this plant on our succulent bench from just $2.99. We have bigger plants coming this week too.
If you've got a pot or garden in a sunny spot try one of these.
If you're growing it in a pot, please use our Tim's Best Potting Mix. It's what we use here at the nursery when we repot succulents and they thrive.
It's still just $10.00 a bag.
We've got new release succulents this week including this beauty called Senecio String of tears. This hanging basket plant has tear shaped variegated beads.
They will spill over the side and hang down.
It's the first time we've ever had this plant, so it's a bargain at $27.99.
Supply is limited.
This could be your last weekend to spray your lawn for Clover and Bindii.
The warmer weather means Bindii will be setting seeds. Once this happens it's too late to spray.
Come and see us for the best products for your type of lawn. If you've got Buffalo you need to use the correct product or it could kill your grass.
Apply when it's not windy.
Your lawn has to be long, so the weeds leaves, soak up the chemical.
Spray again in 7-10 days time, for best results.
Lots of people getting excited about planting spring vegetables. We've had 3 heavy frosts this week so don't rush planting. A late frost could kill your seedlings and waste your money.
It's not even spring yet so there's plenty of time. Prepare now, plant later.
I'm still surprised how many gardeners don't understand seasons.
We could have sold Chilli plants all winter.
A big thank you, to everyone who bought a "Red Scarf". You helped us raise $450.00 for The African AIDS Foundation in Camden.
Dr John Schwarz gratefully accepted our cheque this week.
It was so nice to hear John talk passionately about how badly the money is needed in South Africa.
Up to 20% of the population in some areas are on antiviral medication.
When they grow, and eat, their own fresh vegetables, the drugs work so much better.
Gardening has improved mental health outcomes too.
Everyone's a winner.
I know that some of you bought several Red Scarves. Thank you for you're support.
Our Potted Rose Bushes are coming into bloom. They are covered in buds now.
If you plant them in your garden now you'll get to enjoy the perfumed flowers throughout spring and summer.
You won't believe, how fast they grow.
Don't fertilise them when planting.
We've already given them enough food to last 3 months.
If you've got roses at home.
Check the new growth for Aphids.
These sap sucking insects attack the flower buds and stop them from opening.
They cause the flowers to grow distorted.
They make your plants unhealthy and more likely to get Black Spot.
Spray now with Pestoil.
It's non poisonous to humans.
It's safe to use.
Spray your Citrus trees with Pestoil too.
It helps prevent Citrus Leaf Miner damage and kills the Aphids too.
Come see us at the nursery.
You'll be amazed how many beautiful plants we've got. We can give you advice too.
Happy gardening